Images open the heart in a different way than words.
Remembering is the key to personal and spiritual growth. We tend to forget who we are – and the things that are important to us. SoulCollage® helps us remember.
Why SoulCollage?©
My desire is to connect people with the messages they tell themselves and the parts of their personality or experience that inform their habits, with the further hope they may better connect with their God through SoulCollage®. This can be spiritually transforming, especially with our Creator’s unconditional love and grace accompanying us.
If finding a new way to creatively link spiritual connection and personal development intrigues you, please consider taking my Beginner’s Workshop. The gift this can be for you is quite profound.
How do I know if the SoulCollage© is for me?
First, look at the information and listen to the short video on the SoulCollage page of this website. If you choose, I can also send you a link of my Zoom presentation on “Why I Love SoulCollage .” I offer a 3-hour Beginner’s Class for $30, which gives a wonderful overview and where you have the opportunity to make a few cards. It is a very satisfying practice, and no artistic ability is needed.
What is the purpose of SoulCollage©?
By using simple materials, we make 5”x 8” cards with collaged images we have personally chosen which represent our different personality parts that influence us daily, as well as people and places that have made an impact in our lives. Both creating and working with our unique deck of cards allow us to bring our key motivating voices to the surface so that we are aware of them and can honor them, which prompts us to make some shifts that bring us more growth and joy.
How do I register for a Beginner’s Class?
Zoom and In-Person classes will both be made available. In-Person classes will be held primarily in the Columbus, Ohio area. My next Beginner’s class is listed on the SoulCollage page of this website. Click on the button to “Register.” I will then send you a Welcome Letter with information about the class and how to prepare for it.
What is the cost?
$30 for Beginner’s SoulCollage Workshop
$12 for 1 SoulCollage Instructional Video
Refunds will be issued only if cancellation is 48 hours before a workshop; otherwise, the fee will be held for a future workshop.
What’s after the Beginner’s Class?
Extra SoulCollage instruction is then made available to you in another format as well as other interactive opportunities on different topics that are scheduled throughout the year. My Facebook page and YouTube channel will give you continual pointers and encouragements as well.
What are your SoulCollage© credentials?
I completed SoulCollage© Facilitator training in June 2020 with lead trainer Mariabruna Sirabella.